Connect Archives - Wexer Thu, 15 Sep 2022 14:36:31 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Live stream your superstars across your estate Thu, 15 Sep 2022 13:59:56 +0000 Earlier this year, Wexer took one of its most popular Mobile features and launched it on the Wexer Virtual in-club platform too. That feature is Connect: a channel within the platform that’s unique to each Wexer customer, where you can upload your own self-produced content to sit alongside Wexer’s on-demand, third-party content library for big-screen […]

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Earlier this year, Wexer took one of its most popular Mobile features and launched it on the Wexer Virtual in-club platform too.

That feature is Connect: a channel within the platform that’s unique to each Wexer customer, where you can upload your own self-produced content to sit alongside Wexer’s on-demand, third-party content library for big-screen Virtual classes.

Why did we do this? Because if lockdown taught us anything, it’s that local instructors have star power in the eyes of their loyal member followings – so much so that we didn’t want to restrict their content to mobile devices. We wanted our customers to be able to bring their in-house superstars to the big screens of their Wexer Virtual studios too.

And it’s proved hugely popular, with Wexer customers around the world filming their top-performing classes and making them available on-demand in their Virtual studios. In some cases the content has been created for one specific club, in others it’s gone across an estate. But in all cases, top instructors are suddenly accessible to their loyal fans around the clock – in-club, on a big screen, for an immersive experience.

And today’s exciting news is that we’ve gone one step further still. 

Today, we’ve introduced live streaming to Virtual Connect.

As of right now, any Wexer Virtual customer can create hugely engaging, live-streamed GX events, filming their top stars in one location and simultaneously broadcasting those classes in every one of their locations with a Wexer Virtual player. 

Every member, no matter their location, now has the chance to take part in live classes with your biggest superstars – something that’s as relevant for a small local chain with a few really popular instructors as for a global operator that wants to live stream events across the world. 

It’s a hugely compelling USP to present to your members, too – one that maximises your live instructor budget, even if you incentivise your stars with a special event fee. 

The long and short of it is this: Wexer Virtual isn’t just about third-party content any more. Whether live streamed or on-demand, it’s about your own content too, meaning your local stars – the instructors who have the relationships with your members – can front your whole in- and out-of-club group exercise offering for a consistent member experience.

Even better, all of this is free* to every Wexer Virtual customer, ready to use now, and simple to set up via the Partner Portal.

To find out more about Wexer Virtual Connect, please contact us at


*T&C’s apply

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Align your stars Thu, 30 Jun 2022 15:57:03 +0000 In an omnichannel world, every health club operation should be putting content at the heart of its user experience, and clubs’ in-house stars are the magic ingredient. So says Wexer CEO Paul Bowman in a recent interview with RIDE HIGH magazine. You can read the full interview here, but here’s a little teaser of what Paul […]

The post Align your stars appeared first on Wexer.

In an omnichannel world, every health club operation should be putting content at the heart of its user experience, and clubs’ in-house stars are the magic ingredient. So says Wexer CEO Paul Bowman in a recent interview with RIDE HIGH magazine.

You can read the full interview here, but here’s a little teaser of what Paul had to say…


Create hybrid experiences

The pandemic may already have accelerated the fitness sector into a hybrid era, but what comes next is vital: ensuring clubs are delivering a true hybrid experience, not merely ticking the box of hybrid technology.

As the buzzword becomes ‘omnichannel’ and the number of channels proliferates, digital cannot be a mere add-on. Equal importance must be given to digital and in-person, with the same experience being delivered whatever the touchpoint.

“And when I say the same, I mean exactly the same,” Bowman told RIDE HIGH. “Every customer will use multiple touchpoints and expect to dive straight in to a familiar experience each time.

“Clubs must therefore learn to view everything they do as one big customer-centric experience, and I believe that experience has to be led by content. Content is the element of a health club offering that can transcend all boundaries, and also happens to be what today’s fitness consumer is looking for.

“Content creation is the absolute cornerstone of omnichannel success.”


Maximise people power

In a world in which “everyone from celebrities to media networks seems hell-bent on becoming a fitness content provider”, clubs still have a major USP, says Bowman: their in-house superstars.

Yes, group exercise instructors have been key to member loyalty for decades, but they’ve become even stronger during lockdown, forging lasting relationships by reaching beyond club walls and supporting communities in their hour of need.

“Clubs must recognise the power their instructors and trainers now hold,” says Bowman. “They are the content creators. They are the face of your brand in the digital arena. They have the power to reach huge audiences.

“If your club is looking for an advantage over the big digital players and the global fitness influencers, this – your team of local rockstars, whose relationships with members weld them to your brand – is it.”

Operators must therefore maximise opportunities to put their in-house superstars in front of customers, both on-site and at-home – and that requires a sustainable strategy for the production of ownable, brand-enhancing, monetizable, local superstar-led digital content.


Make the most of what you do

“Producing digital content doesn’t have to be hard,” Bowman explains. “Start by looking at your live timetable. Where are your superstars? Which are your waitlisted classes?

“Maximize reach and ROI of these classes by installing a simple camera set-up in-studio and filming them, then offer this content on-demand in your studio and to members at home. It doesn’t even have to be beautifully produced: the more fresh content you create, the more forgiving members are on quality.”

Indeed, other than large chains with the budgets to build and run specialist digital production studios, Bowman’s advice is that clubs focus on getting the most out of everything they already do – namely, by filming as much as possible and making it accessible via multiple platforms, both digital and physical.

“You need to see all your content as, well… content. Don’t mentally place in-person content and digital content in different boxes,” he says.

Speaking specifically about indoor cycling, he adds: “As a club operator, there’s great value to be had in producing your own indoor cycling content; we’re having to put more indoor cycling content on our Mobile platform to meet demand.

“The first step is upping the ante on your live classes, potentially running fewer if they aren’t all full but making each a really special event that members waitlist to be part of. Then record the classes for on-demand use in-club – your own signature, ‘wow factor’ cycle classes are suddenly available whenever members come in – as well as at-home.”


Create a win-win

There’s money to be made all round, says Bowman, provided you create a win-win scenario for both club and superstar.

To keep your content creators contributing to your brand rather than going it alone, nurture your talent and find ways to incentivise and reward them for the contribution they make to your now omnichannel business. Give them a reason to promote the content they’ve created with you to their own followers.

“Recognise that their success is your success, but work hard to ensure they know the flip side is also true: that they will do better with you than on their own,” he adds.

As usage and revenue rises, your operation will have more to invest in content, meaning superstars continue to grow… and so the virtuous circle goes on.


Read the full interview here.

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Here’s what your members are telling us they want Thu, 10 Dec 2020 15:18:36 +0000 If you’re busy producing your own online class content, you want to know you’re investing your time, money and effort in the right place – right? In this respect, there’s nothing quite like user data to understand what we’re doing right (or wrong). In-club, members vote with their feet, filling the most popular classes. Online, they […]

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If you’re busy producing your own online class content, you want to know you’re investing your time, money and effort in the right place – right?

In this respect, there’s nothing quite like user data to understand what we’re doing right (or wrong). In-club, members vote with their feet, filling the most popular classes. Online, they vote with clicks – and those clicks can be tracked to understand where the greatest demand is, and what content you therefore need to create more of.

Of course, you will have nuances in usage that are specific to your member base – nuances you absolutely need to respond to.

Nevertheless, we thought it would be interesting to take a look back over the millions of Wexer classes enjoyed both in-club and online throughout the course of 2020, to see what the over-arching trends are.

In doing so, we spotted two important themes.


  1. Short and sweet

Little and often seems to be the recipe for online fitness, with users favouring shorter class formats.

  • 62% of all workouts selected on the Wexer Web Player and App in 2020 were classes with a duration of 16–30 minutes.
  • Only 5% were over 45 minutes.
  • 20% were 15 minutes or less – particularly impressive given that, at this stage, there are fewer of these very short format classes compared to other class durations on the platform.


Lesson: Make it bite-sized

  1. A complementary activity

With a 10-minute ab workout firmly in top spot, followed by a guided morning stretch in second place, it’s clear from 2020’s ‘total plays’ list that users are looking for out-of-club workouts that complement the other activities they’re doing, rather than necessarily replicating them at home.

Lesson: Complement, don’t duplicate


Further advice regarding your online content creation can be found on our blog, including 10 invaluable tips and advice on your online content strategy.





The post Here’s what your members are telling us they want appeared first on Wexer.

What’s your online content strategy? Fri, 13 Nov 2020 15:36:40 +0000 Online fitness is a highly competitive market. True even pre-lockdown, it’s absolutely the case now: pretty much every fitness business in the world has at least dipped a toe into online waters over recent months. As with any busy marketplace, the challenge is to find your own niche within it – a need you can […]

The post What’s your online content strategy? appeared first on Wexer.

Online fitness is a highly competitive market. True even pre-lockdown, it’s absolutely the case now: pretty much every fitness business in the world has at least dipped a toe into online waters over recent months.

As with any busy marketplace, the challenge is to find your own niche within it – a need you can meet that other providers can’t – and to make sure your audience is aware of this. You can’t just jump in to the online space and hope people will migrate towards you.

Marketing is of course a key part of this, and you’ll find just some of our online fitness marketing advice here

In this blog, though, we want to talk about the content itself.

We’ve spoken before about good enough being good enough in terms of content quality, but you do still need to be very clear about what you’re producing and why.

The following are four key questions you should be asking yourself:

  1. What styles of workout do my members want?
    What are you already known and respected for? You’ll already be fully aware of your popular in-club classes – the ones that get booked up week after week – and the likelihood is that these will also be popular online. But don’t automatically assume that’s the case, or that other elements of your offering – mindfulness, no-equipment workouts, stretching, shorter workouts – might not rise to the top of the popularity stakes online. It’s important to keep an eye on the usage data for your online classes – an invaluable tool that should be used to continually evolve the online offering in response to actual member behaviours.
  2. Is there anything new we could be exploring?
    Survey your members. Dig deep into emerging trends. Talk to your instructors to understand what skillsets, specialities and ideas they have. This information could form the basis of a compelling new line-up of Signature classes, starting online and potentially even working their way back into the live, in-club studio timetable in the future. It’s about creating exciting new workout opportunities that people will actively seek out.
  3. How can we create this online programming in a way that’s unique to us?
    What does your brand stand for? If you distilled it down, what’s the essence of your brand? And how can you inject this into your online programming so the digital embodiment of your club is as recognisable as the bricks and mortar? You also need to factor in your instructors here: what superstars work for you and only you, and how can you propel them to the forefront of your online offering to ensure your digital platform is filled with great content that people can only get from you?
  4. How should we package our online content?
    Once you’ve done all the above, consider how best to package your digital fitness content. Especially if you want to monetise it, exclusively producing one-off classes might not be the best strategy. Because while selling monthly digital membership is one option, think for a moment about the revenue-generating potential of class collections – unique to you, maximising the value of your in-house expertise, filling specialist niches that you can come to be known for. Not only a USP against the digital competition, a catalogue of distinct and differentiated class collections also gives you an opportunity to sell bundles of content to those – even beyond your member base – who are looking for something specific. This is the power of selling a whole collection, rather than trying to monetise ad hoc workouts.

If you would like to discuss your content strategy with us, please contact us at

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5 common mistakes gyms make when marketing their online fitness content Fri, 13 Nov 2020 14:33:38 +0000 Mistake #1 – ‘Global overnight’ aspirations If you’re new to on-demand, it’s tempting to try and go global straight away. After all, that’s the joy of online, right? No geographical limits. The problem is, you’re immediately up against the really big guys – the global fitness megabrands that have finely tuned their online models over the […]

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Mistake #1 – ‘Global overnight’ aspirations

If you’re new to on-demand, it’s tempting to try and go global straight away. After all, that’s the joy of online, right? No geographical limits.

The problem is, you’re immediately up against the really big guys – the global fitness megabrands that have finely tuned their online models over the years, that have strong brand recognition and seriously big marketing budgets. Competing against the likes of these brands is a big ask, especially when you’re new to online. You end up spreading yourself so thin that you struggle to gain traction or engagement.

On the flipside, we know that people like to buy into a community feel. There’s also a big push, especially during this year’s ongoing health crisis, to support local businesses. With this in mind, there’s a strong argument for promoting even your online offering within the geographical radius of your physical club, at least to start off with. By focusing on your local community in your marketing channels and marketing message, you’ll stand a better chance of uptake – and if you deliver a great product, in all likelihood your online offering will be recommended by your customers to friends and family who live out of the area. Let your digital members do your global marketing for you!


Mistake #2 – Scattergun targeting

When you advertise your digital classes, you need to know who your audience is and you need to target them very specifically. You aren’t aiming for “everyone”, which is another temptation when operating online. Be smart and focused with your marketing spend, and analyse all the data so you know what’s working and what isn’t. Make sure your marketing is designed to resonate with a very specific audience. Make sure what you say is relevant and appealing to them.


Mistake #3 – Not using the data

The more you market your online offering, the more members will use it, which in turn means more data around usage patterns and behaviours. This is real data too, not self-reported. It’s robust, reliable information that can help you confidently shape your offer moving forward, not only online but also live. Ignore it and you’re passing up an opportunity to refine your offering based on proven customer needs.


Mistake #4 – Forgetting the USP

What’s special about your online offering? What do you do better than anyone else, at least – going back to mistake #1 – in your local area? What are your signature classes that set you apart? Who are the superstar instructors that only you can give people access to online? Strongly communicating your USPs through clear, ownable messaging is as important in the marketing of your online offering as it is in the marketing of your physical club. You need to give people a reason why they should choose you.


Mistake #5 – Foot off the pedal

Marketing isn’t something you can do upfront and then pull back from. There will always be new people to attract to your online offering, but equally important is ensuring existing digital customers continue to use your online fitness platform. You need to continually point them to something new on your platform, to drive usage and loyalty. You need to ensure they always know how, why – and, in the case of live streaming, when – to access your online content. Online fitness is a highly competitive field; if you don’t stay visible, you risk people forgetting about you and turning to another brand that’s shouted louder.


To discuss how Wexer can help your fitness business to launch, operate and market a strong online offering, please contact


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The 3 types of content you need for your online fitness platform Thu, 05 Nov 2020 08:52:06 +0000 There are a number of ‘must-have’ factors when it comes to online fitness provision, but top of the list has to be variety. We know that people only do the same online class twice before they look for something new. This compared to doing the same in-club virtual class eight times. In-club it’s about the […]

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There are a number of ‘must-have’ factors when it comes to online fitness provision, but top of the list has to be variety.

We know that people only do the same online class twice before they look for something new. This compared to doing the same in-club virtual class eight times. In-club it’s about the social. Online it’s all about variety.

So, online requires strength in depth to be sustainable, with multiple class options available in every class type and every length. It’s why we advise operators not to go it alone – because it’s very tough to create enough online content that every unique member has something fresh to do every day.

It’s why we talk about Three Strands of Online Content.

  1. Self-produced, on-demand content – featuring gyms’ own trainers and available for members to do at a time to suit them.
  2. Live streamed content – live workouts led by gyms’ top superstars.
  3. Aggregated content – rich libraries of on-demand content from recognised global providers.

You need all three of these strands to engage all audiences on an ongoing basis. Lockdown has shown the power of gyms’ own talent, and while the majority of workouts are still done on-demand – flexibility remains king in people’s lives – we know that live streaming delivers high levels of engagement. But very few operators have the budgets or capacity to produce enough content themselves; aggregated content should therefore be the bedrock of every online platform.

This is where we want to make two very important observations.

First, this isn’t just about lockdown. The hybrid model is here to stay, whether clubs are locked down or open for business; clubs wanting to thrive have no choice but to own the new digital dimension of their member experience.

Second, given this, the sooner operators move towards an all-encompassing digital fitness platform – one they can brand as their own, and where all three strands of the online offering can live in one place – the better. The better the member experience, the better the brand loyalty, the better future-proofed the business.

And that platform isn’t hard to create. Indeed, it already exists.

That platform is the Web Player – the perfect digital engagement tool for operators to connect with and support members wherever they are.

With the launch of its new live streaming functionality, available now to all Web Player customers, operators can partner with Wexer to deliver all three strands of their online content within one own-branded, password-protected, monetisable platform.

Allow us to briefly explain how the three strands work on the ‘any time, anywhere, any internet-enabled device’ Web Player.

  1. Self-produced, on-demand content – launched earlier this year, Web Player Connect is available to all Web Player customers at no extra cost. Effectively handing operators their own TV channel, Connect sits at the top of the Web Player home page – clearly visible as soon as members log in – and allows operators to create and share whatever content they choose with their members, from workouts to nutrition seminars, virtual cook-alongs to mindfulness workshops. Easy to upload and schedule, content can be made available on-demand or even ‘as live’.
  2. Live streamed content – the new live streaming functionality, also sitting within the Connect zone of the Web Player, allows members to log on to their club’s password-protected platform and take part in live streamed classes run by its superstar instructors. Crucially, by hosting these workouts within the Web Player, they’re delivered in a space that’s branded to – and owned by – the operator, driving brand loyalty. The operator also owns all the data, providing invaluable learnings about exercise behaviours and usage that can be applied to refine and improve the offering. All live-streamed content can, if desired, also be added to the on-demand Connect library for members to access at a time to suit them.
  3. Aggregated content – with over 600 world-class, music licence-free, on-demand workouts, the Web Player has always offered users unparalleled choice and quality. Whatever your fitness level or experience, whatever your exercise passion, you’ll find workouts for you in the Web Player’s extensive library. All content is provided by the world’s leading content producers, led by top instructors from around the globe, and refreshed regularly so there’s always something new to enjoy.


As an operator, the Wexer Web Player is the ultimate digital engagement tool. It ensures the entirety of your members’ online experience is 100% owned and managed by you, with all the benefits – member loyalty, insights, revenue – coming directly back to your business.

And all of this is available to Web Player customers, new and existing, at no additional cost. Not only that, but your own-branded Web Player could be up and running in as little as seven days from signing a contract.

To find out more, please contact us at



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Creating online fitness content? Here are 10 invaluable tips Fri, 30 Oct 2020 16:40:16 +0000 If there’s one positive that gyms and clubs around the world can take out of lockdown and its aftermath, it’s the brand-enhancing power of their instructors and trainers. With the entire sector forced to pivot to an online model, in-house rockstars have stepped up and produced some excellent content, engaging large audiences and reminding us […]

The post Creating online fitness content? Here are 10 invaluable tips appeared first on Wexer.

If there’s one positive that gyms and clubs around the world can take out of lockdown and its aftermath, it’s the brand-enhancing power of their instructors and trainers.

With the entire sector forced to pivot to an online model, in-house rockstars have stepped up and produced some excellent content, engaging large audiences and reminding us just how good they are.

As we continue towards a hybrid future, the following 10 tips will help anyone looking to develop (or improve) their online fitness content strategy.


#1 – Don’t sweat the detail

When you’re producing multiple new pieces of content each day, that content is allowed to be disposable without being throwaway. It can – arguably even should – be off-the-cuff, raw, real. We aren’t saying you should bash out sub-standard content, but neither do you have to sweat the detail.

That means there are no barriers to entry: if you’re holding back from producing online content because you’re worried you don’t have the right equipment, lighting, editing software, tech skills… stop worrying and just go for it! Don’t let yourselves be held back from delivering an amazing community experience online – something your members can’t get anywhere else. There’s a sweet spot to be found whereby digital content is good enough.


#2 – Don’t hand ownership to the social platforms

Putting workout content onto social platforms during lockdown – Facebook Live, Instagram Live, YouTube – has been operators’ biggest mistake in the rush to get online. Clubs have effectively given away their contacts, their opportunity to gather data, their ability to monetize, their ownership of the customer relationship to these B2C platforms.

But clubs can take back control, building their own platforms to house their content. And the good news is that, with the Wexer Web Player, it’s easier than you might think. We can deliver a fully branded, bespoked, password-protected ‘any time, anywhere’ platform for your club business – ready to receive whatever live streamed / on-demand content you choose to upload – in as little as seven days from signing a contract.


#3 – Don’t get caught out by music licensing

With potentially thousands of people taking part in your online classes, the last thing you want is to find yourself liable for the music usage costs on that Rihanna or Beyoncé hit you aired as your backing track.

It’s why the 600+ classes in our Web Player library – the content we’ve curated from our global content partners – is all music licence-free. But what are the options for your own content? One solution that’s caught our eye, adopted by a number of clubs around the world, is to ensure all class participants are on Spotify. Let people know which playlist you’ll be using pre-class, then just get them to all press ‘play’ at the same time.


#4 – Don’t believe the live hype

Everyone’s talking about live, but it isn’t the only answer. In fact, global data indicates that live typically accounts for just 15–20% of online fitness consumption; the other 80-ish% is on-demand. Ultimately, people know what they want, but they also know when they want it. You need a platform that powers both live and on-demand.


#5 – Don’t be blinkered around talent

Your best live instructor might not be your best online instructor. Sure, there’s a certain amount of training you can offer. Sure, you can tell instructors which behavioural cues to use – Peloton has this down to a fine art. However, motivating people in the same room as you, with the instant feedback you pick up, is a very different beast from engaging those exercising in whatever (possibly uninspiring) workout space they might have at home. Some trainers take to it like a duck to water, others less so. Be ready to look in less expected places for your new, online fitness superstars.


#6 – Don’t forget to reward

Speaking of talent, make sure you incentivise your superstars. Empower them to take ownership of content projects and reward them when they win large audiences for your brand. Give them a reason to stay with you, rather than embarking on a solo quest for online fame.


#7 – Don’t battle on alone

Once you jump aboard the content train, it’s hard to jump off again. Members will expect something fresh every day. They will expect you to offer something for everyone, including special populations. This could be enough to break many businesses, taking up too much time and money to be sustainable.

But you don’t have to do it all yourself. In addition to streaming your own content through Connect – a free-to-use feature for all Web Player customers – our platform includes hundreds of on-demand classes. These are regularly refreshed and offer strength in depth across all types and levels of activity. You don’t have to create every spotlighted piece of content yourself.


#8 – Don’t ignore your audience

Know who you’re producing content for. By harnessing your own instructors, online content can be made local and relevant – something to appeal specifically to your members. But you can take it further still by keeping track of usage data – a way of letting your members ‘vote’ on your content. What are they doing? Who with? What length of workout? Using what fitness equipment? Watch what people like and be ready to adjust and produce more of it.


#9 – Don’t stop marketing, ever

Ensure your members always know how, why and, in the case of live streaming, when to access your online content. This will be particularly important as you migrate them away from social channels, but even on an ongoing basis, continually pointing them to something new will be key to driving usage and with it loyalty.


#10 – Don’t skip the ecosystem

An online platform is currently most clubs’ first step towards digital transformation, but remember that it will be more powerful as part of an ecosystem – a branded network of physical and digital touchpoints that you control, through which you can deliver your fitness experiences direct to members both in and out of club.

From live and virtual classes in-club to at-home workouts, nutritional seminars and mindfulness workshops, the goal has to be the creation of a content-rich ecosystem that members can consume across every one of your touchpoints, both in and out of club. A seamless experience that’s instantly recognisable as coming from your brand.

This is what Wexer is all about: harnessing tech to build loyalty and future success for operators, by ensuring members never have to leave their club’s ecosystem to get the fitness and wellness experiences they seek.


To find out more, please contact us at













The post Creating online fitness content? Here are 10 invaluable tips appeared first on Wexer.

This tool will single-handedly supercharge your content marketing Tue, 04 Aug 2020 15:58:18 +0000 When you’re recommending fitness and wellbeing activities for your members to do outside of the gym environment, the user experience should be as simple and one-click as possible to maximise uptake. Promote a class that’s available through your online platform. Talk about it in a way that piques members’ interest. Share a link that takes […]

The post This tool will single-handedly supercharge your content marketing appeared first on Wexer.

When you’re recommending fitness and wellbeing activities for your members to do outside of the gym environment, the user experience should be as simple and one-click as possible to maximise uptake.

  • Promote a class that’s available through your online platform.
  • Talk about it in a way that piques members’ interest.
  • Share a link that takes them directly to the workout you’ve recommended.

And that’s it.

No searching needed on the part of the member. Whether they use the link immediately or later, just one click and the workout is right there for them to do.

This is where Wexer Web Player’s direct link feature comes in.

Otherwise known as a ‘deep link’ feature, it allows you to share a link that sends members directly to your chosen content, be that a specific video or a curated collection of classes.

In turn, it opens up endless opportunities to fill your marketing and member comms with eye-catching, relevant content that adds real value to your members (as well as tempting new prospects to engage with you, once they realise all this great stuff is paywalled).

Imagine, for example, your recommended Workout of the Day popping up each day on your social streams. Members just click the link and they’re straight in to the workout.

Imagine social media posts where you outline the benefits of a particular style of training – yoga, for example, or bodyweight training – before directing members to a relevant class collection.

And imagine personalised emails, segmented to address different profiles or interests, with relevant class suggestions to support members’ existing routines: stretching sessions for those who always do HIIT at the club, for example, or additional pilates sessions for those who regularly book in to live classes – something to challenge them a bit further, or to offer them alternatives for the days they can’t make it to the club.

If you’re using Web Player Connect – which allows you to upload your own content onto the platform – you can even alert members whenever a new workout is available. Email class regulars when their favourite instructor uploads an on-demand class. Post about popular nutrition seminars or mindfulness sessions. Always with a unique link that takes members directly to the relevant content on your Web Player.

It means social streams full of engaging content.

It means higher uptake thanks to the simple click-through mechanism.

It means supercharged content marketing.

To find out more, please contact us at

The post This tool will single-handedly supercharge your content marketing appeared first on Wexer.

Five tips to REALLY Connect with your members Thu, 13 Aug 2020 15:29:51 +0000 It’s fair to say that new fitness rockstars have been born over recent months: the instructors and trainers, employed by gyms and studios around the world, who have produced some excellent online content during lockdown and who have, in the process, reminded us just how good they are. This in-house talent has propelled “live streaming” […]

The post Five tips to REALLY Connect with your members appeared first on Wexer.

It’s fair to say that new fitness rockstars have been born over recent months: the instructors and trainers, employed by gyms and studios around the world, who have produced some excellent online content during lockdown and who have, in the process, reminded us just how good they are.

This in-house talent has propelled “live streaming” into our everyday vernacular, to the point that the online element of a hybrid model will now need to include three content prongs: professionally produced live streaming of operators’ top stars; amateur live streaming by local instructors; and a large on-demand library to guarantee strength in depth – the multiple class options needed in every class type and every length.

That’s why Wexer has evolved its white label Web Player product – its ‘any time, anywhere, any internet-enabled device’ fitness platform.

Now – alongside the hundreds of on-demand, music licence-free classes from global content providers that have always been available – every Web Player customer also has access to Connect, at no extra cost.

What Connect does is effectively hand operators their own TV channel. It’s a platform through which clubs can share whatever content they choose – classes, workshops or seminars; live streamed, pre-filmed and scheduled or on-demand – all tailored specifically to the needs of their member base.

But just having Connect won’t immediately make members engage. As with all new launches, operators will play a key role in driving uptake.

We’ve put together the following five tips to help Web Player customers get the most out of Connect.


 #1: Create great trailers

It’s important to ‘sell’ your content to members and end users. Create eye-catching thumbnails and trailers that leave people wanting more.


#2: Promote your content

You can’t expect people to engage with content if they don’t know it’s there!


#3: Think inside the box

Make content exclusive to Connect; if you share it through social media too, it limits your ability to monetise it.


#4: One-click signposting

Include a direct link whenever you promote a specific class or workshop and people will be able to jump straight to it in one simple click – provided they’re allowed past your paywall.


#5: Make it ‘sticky’

People only do an online class twice before looking for something new, so make sure you have a strategy in place to keep Connect updated with fresh new content. It’s all about making Connect – and with it, your brand – as ‘sticky’ as possible, giving members every reason to keep coming back.


To find out more about Web Player Connect, or for more advice on how to maximise its impact, please contact us at

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It’s time for co-working spaces to make their extra-curricular activities available on-demand – and here’s how to do it Thu, 02 Jul 2020 13:38:48 +0000 As the dynamic co-working sector has grown and diversified over recent years, we’ve seen brands embracing ever more creative value-adds as they vie for business. Ping pong tables, coffee baristas, cinema nights, beer and prosecco on tap… all these things have become almost a point of entry in this competitive market. Pop-up wellness has become […]

The post It’s time for co-working spaces to make their extra-curricular activities available on-demand – and here’s how to do it appeared first on Wexer.

As the dynamic co-working sector has grown and diversified over recent years, we’ve seen brands embracing ever more creative value-adds as they vie for business.

Ping pong tables, coffee baristas, cinema nights, beer and prosecco on tap… all these things have become almost a point of entry in this competitive market. Pop-up wellness has become a staple too, from fitness classes and rooftop yoga to meditation sessions, health and wellness seminars.

But now, this area of wellbeing is starting to really capture the imagination, presenting itself to a growing number of co-working providers as a means of differentiating themselves in a way that appeals to their tenant profile.

Just this week, it was announced that Uncommon’s new co-working space in London’s Holborn – set to open in early 2021 – is aiming to become the UK’s first Platinum Certified WELL Core office, and the UK’s first WELL Platinum Certified co-working space.

From water filtration and ventilation systems, through an abundance of daylight and natural building materials, to a biophilic design that features myriad indoor plants known to improve air quality and mental wellbeing, this is a building that has wellness at its very core.

On-site wellbeing amenities will include a state-of-the-art fitness area and a dedicated meditation/yoga space. Supporting these, a weekly programme of events will include health and wellbeing activities, nutritional advice and cooking classes, group discussions and expert coaching, morning mindfulness sessions, tea time talks, business coaching and upskilling activities.

All of which is unquestionably a huge selling point, especially as we emerge from COVID lockdown with a heightened appreciation of the value of exercise for physical and mental health.

But what if you aren’t in your co-working office on the day of the class or event you want to attend? What if you’re there but have a meeting scheduled at just the wrong time? What, even, if a sister co-working space is hosting an event you’re interested in, but there’s no capacity for you to attend?

As yet, few co-working providers have embraced digital options to make content available on-demand. If you miss a session, you miss it.

Yet, especially with the hangover of COVID encouraging many to work from home more regularly than before, co-working spaces might be wise to review this strategy. After all, added value – those extra reasons for people choosing your space over another – are only valuable if tenants actually get to enjoy them.

Assuming you do decide to explore the potential of on-demand, the next question is what digital platform to use.

There will no doubt be a long list of points on your wish list, including:

  • Optional integration with your existing website and/or app
  • White labelling so all content appears in your own branded space
  • Password protection so only your tenants can access the content
  • Option to paywall and monetise certain events
  • Ownership of the user data to inform future planning
  • Scheduling functionality so content goes live at a pre-determined time
  • Marketing-friendliness – e.g. deep links to send people direct to specific content
  • Ease of content upload
  • Ease and speed of initial set-up and integration
  • Cost-effectiveness

Can one platform do all of that? It can indeed. Step forward the Wexer Web Player – and specifically its newest feature, Connect – which ticks all of these boxes and more besides.

The Web Player is Wexer’s ‘any time, anywhere, any internet-enabled device’ solution that can be white labelled to your co-working brand and password-protected, with options to also paywall content.

Originally launched to provide on-demand, 24/7 access to high-quality virtual group exercise – something it still does, with 500+ music licence-free classes on offer – now a new feature, Web Player Connect, means you can create and upload your own content too.

Launched last week for the upload of on-demand content, and with live streaming functionality coming soon, Connect effectively hands you your own TV channel – a platform through which you can share classes, workshops, seminars or indeed any other content, all perfectly tailored to the interests of your tenants. Really, the only limit is your imagination!

Web Player Connect is also incredibly easy to use: it’s simply a case of filming your content (professional camera or mobile phone, the choice is yours), uploading onto the Web Player, scheduling when it should go live… and that’s it. The content will then appear in the Connect section, at the top of your Web Player home page, at the scheduled time; the rest of the home page is populated by eye-catching class collections, all of which draw on the 500+ classes from Wexer’s global content providers.

We can set your own branded Web Player up in as little as seven days from signing a contract. And the no-brainer moment? Connect is available to all Web Player customers at no extra charge.

It really is the perfect way to make your value-added content available to all your tenants, giving them the option to watch it whenever and wherever is convenient to them.

To find out more about Web Player, and Web Player Connect, please contact


The post It’s time for co-working spaces to make their extra-curricular activities available on-demand – and here’s how to do it appeared first on Wexer.
