Articles Archives - Wexer Wed, 27 Dec 2023 18:54:20 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Corporate Wellness Strategies: How to Take the Leap to ‘Nailing It’ Wed, 09 Nov 2022 17:51:58 +0000 Over recent years, corporate wellness has worked its way into the mainstream, with more and more employers recognising the connection between wellbeing and performance. As founder of The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington has long been a thought leader and trailblazer. A recent Quartz article served to remind us of exactly this fact. Because it was […]

The post Corporate Wellness Strategies: How to Take the Leap to ‘Nailing It’ appeared first on Wexer.

Over recent years, corporate wellness has worked its way into the mainstream, with more and more employers recognising the connection between wellbeing and performance.

As founder of The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington has long been a thought leader and trailblazer. A recent Quartz article served to remind us of exactly this fact. Because it was way back in 2016 that Huffington created Thrive Global – a company that, as the home page of its website boldly states, is “on a mission to end the burnout epidemic”. Thrive Global’s is working to “debunk the collective delusion that burnout is the price we must pay for success”.

Indeed, in a recent Deloitte survey, 95% of executives agreed they should be responsible for employee wellbeing, while 83 per cent said they would increase their responsibility to it over the next two years.

Yet increase it they must, because there remains a significant gap between appreciation in principle of the value of employee wellbeing versus acting on ensuring wellbeing is embedded at the heart of a business.


Corporate Wellness Is In Everyone’s Best Interest 

The same Deloitte report found that around one in three employees and executives are constantly struggling with fatigue and poor mental health. That 57% of employees and 69%of executives are seriously considering quitting for a more supportive job. That on average 72% would be more likely to stay with their company if it better supported their wellbeing. And that 68% of employees and 81% of the C-suite see improving their wellbeing as more important than advancing their career.

Yet in spite of all this, obstacles still stand in the way of doing things that would help – taking micro-breaks during the day, finishing work at a reasonable hour, taking a proper lunch break and getting good quality sleep, for example. The most commonly quoted issues: having a heavy workload or stressful job (30 per cent) and/or not having enough time because of long working hours (27%).

It doesn’t help that C-suite executives consistently underestimate how much employees are actually struggling with their wellbeing, or that – while 91% of executives believe their employees look positively on their company’s wellbeing efforts – in fact only 56% of employees believe their employer cares about their wellbeing.

Companies must tune in far better to their workforces’ needs, then act on them.

And it really is in everyone’s best interests. Even as long ago as 2016 – before issues were compounded by the pandemic and the challenges of hybrid working – a study by Global Corporate Challenge found that employees may miss an average of four days annually, but that they’re unproductive for almost 58 days a year. This presenteeism was reported to cost businesses 10 times more than absenteeism.

As Huffington explains: “Employee wellbeing and mental health improve business metrics like retention, attrition, productivity and healthcare costs.”

How to Start Corporate Wellness

The 2022 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report by Wellable Labs highlights some interesting shifts in focus among organisations already striving to deliver corporate wellness.

  • On-demand fitness is hot, appreciated for its flexibility and affordability, and is seeing a scaling up of investment
  • On-site classes and reimbursement of gym membership are being dialled back
  • Mental health is a top priority and an area where more resource is being added, including meditation, mindfulness and stress management
  • Companies appreciate the importance of proper sleep, but have yet to find the resources they need to support their employees in this way

It almost reads like a who’s who of the Wexer offering, with our Mobile ecosystem putting world-class wellness content – covering all of these areas and more – in people’s hands wherever and whenever they need it, through any connected device.

Because it’s all very well encouraging micro-breaks and proper lunch hours, but you do also need to hand your employees the tools to turn these into wellness breaks.

That might be as simple as easing and re-mobilising their bodies after sitting at a desk all day. It might be achieving a moment of calm during their commute, re-energising during their lunch hour by getting their heart pumping, or winding down at the end of a busy day.

Whatever they need, they’ll find it in our ever-growing, market-leading corporate wellness library. We have a huge collection of mind-body and meditation classes. We have relaxation sessions and guided stretching. We’ve partnered with Sweat Factor to offer its fantastic Office Fit series, as well as Self-Care by Sweat Factor. Mind123 takes a holistic, educational approach to all facets and contributors to wellbeing. And we even plug the gap identified by Wellable Labs, providing content around sleep in the shape of Sweat Factor’s Sleep Stories.

And that’s without touching on the vast library of health and fitness content – from cardio and strength to dance, cycling, HIIT and far, far more besides – to get those endorphins flowing, stress released and mental focus regained.

Wexer is here to help you create a first-class corporate wellness for to improve employee wellbeing.


Read more here or get in touch at

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Hanu partners with Wexer to expand reach Tue, 13 Dec 2022 15:29:55 +0000 Hanu – the Hispanic market’s largest, most varied fitness and wellbeing platform – has announced a new partnership with digital fitness and virtual group exercise expert Wexer. The partnership will see Wexer Virtual technology harnessed to make Hanu’s world-class content available for on-demand, 24/7 use in gyms, hotels and residential developments across the American continent. End […]

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Hanu – the Hispanic market’s largest, most varied fitness and wellbeing platform – has announced a new partnership with digital fitness and virtual group exercise expert Wexer.

The partnership will see Wexer Virtual technology harnessed to make Hanu’s world-class content available for on-demand, 24/7 use in gyms, hotels and residential developments across the American continent. End users will be able to enjoy more than 20 different training disciplines, all automatically programmed and customised for each location.

José Antonio Condell, CEO and co-founder of Hanu, says the company has identified strong opportunities within “off-peak hours in gyms, multi-purpose rooms within residential buildings and hotels, and hotel guestrooms”, with the Wexer-Hanu partnership now set to “enable and make profitable the spaces that are under-used for much of the day”.

Felipe Apablaza, Hanu Co-Founder and CEO of DMOOV Fitness Clubs & RFA Fitness Equipment, adds: “Our extensive research into the innovative, disruptive technologies within the health, fitness and wellness industry brought us to Wexer. We are delighted that this partnership will bring our platform and content to an even broader audience.”

“This unique solution for the Latin American market presents fantastic opportunities for both Wexer and Hanu,” confirms Robert Louw, Chief Growth Officer at Wexer. “Adding Hanu’s full range of high-quality content allows us to even better penetrate and serve Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking markets with content that immediately resonates with local audiences.

“Meanwhile, Hanu benefits from a new distribution channel that brings with it significant growth opportunities, both in terms of verticals and geographical territories.

“It is a win-win for both our companies, but also for gyms, hotels, residential developments and consumers alike as this fantastic content becomes available through our platform.”

For more information, get in touch at

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Emerging Fitness Business Models To Maximize Growth and Profit Tue, 26 Sep 2023 19:35:34 +0000 In a recent podcast episode, Wexer CEO, Paul Bowman, interviews Eric Falardeau, a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, share a comprehensive examination of the evolving landscape of the fitness and health industry to share how you can maximize growth opportunities with profitable fitness business models.  McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm. […]

The post Emerging Fitness Business Models To Maximize Growth and Profit appeared first on Wexer.

In a recent podcast episode, Wexer CEO, Paul Bowman, interviews Eric Falardeau, a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, share a comprehensive examination of the evolving landscape of the fitness and health industry to share how you can maximize growth opportunities with profitable fitness business models. 

McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm. Eric specializes in the global fitness and health industry. He shares his expert perspective on the current state and future trajectory of the fitness industry. He delves into the critical aspects like the opportunities emerging fitness business models will provide, how fitness business models will need to include digital transformation to expand into emerging markets, the potential impact of weight loss pills, and how the fitness industry has changed after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Current State of the Fitness Industry

Before delving into emerging fitness business models, it’s essential to understand the current state of the fitness industry. Eric Falardeau provides a macro-view, highlighting a significant issue in the industry. He points out that many fitness models today cost between 10-30 euros or dollars, which, in his opinion, leaves a considerable amount of money on the table. This observation underscores the need for innovation and the exploration of new business models that can extract more value from each customer relationship.

“At a macro-view, I think the sector is leaving a lot of money on the table by having such a high share of humans move through models that cost between 10-30 euros/dollars today.”

~ Eric Falardeau, Partner, McKinsey & Company ~

Fitness Business Model Opportunities

In an era of emerging markets and rapid digital innovation, the fitness and health industry has not remained immune to the winds of transformation. As technology advances and new markets emerge, fitness businesses are presented with both challenges and opportunities. To navigate this shifting landscape effectively, it’s crucial to understand the emerging fitness business models that can maximize growth and profit.

Being aware of emerging opportunities to provide new innovative fitness business models will play a pivotal role in a a fitness business ability to thrive and adapt to changing consumer needs. Critically assessing whether there are unmet needs within the industry and whether a business has found a viable model that sets it apart from competitors is crucial for making informed decisions about where and how to allocate resources.

Consumers are spending more on health, fitness, and wellness than they ever have before. Future of wellness in 2030 shows a $1.5 trillion market globally—and it’s growing at a clip of 5 to 10 percent each year. McKinsey research shows that consumers are most interested in six wellness categories: health, fitness, nutrition, appearance, sleep, and mindfulness.

Eric shared consumers are clearly looking at health and wellness as one of the most important things in their life now. Therefore, the industry needs to realize the possibility of people paying 5, 10, 20, 30 dollars/euros more for something that is helping them move or live as healthy as possible.

The Role of Information and Technology

Eric emphasizes the transformative potential of information and technology in the fitness industry. He believes that this sector is uniquely positioned to benefit from these advancements, as they can have a substantial impact on overall value creation and member solutions. In an era where wearable fitness tech, data analytics, and personalized fitness apps are becoming increasingly prevalent, businesses that harness the power of information and technology stand to thrive.

“This is one of the sectors for which information and technology can have the most impact on overall value creation and overall member solutions.”

~ Eric Falardeau, Partner, McKinsey & Company ~

Embracing New Business Models

One of the key takeaways from the interview is the importance of embracing new business models. Eric Falardeau urges the fitness sector to explore innovative ways of creating more value for customers. He points out that the industry should not be limited by traditional pricing models and that it’s entirely reasonable for individuals to invest more in their health and fitness. This sentiment challenges the notion that the mid-tier pricing model is no longer viable in today’s market.

The fitness and health industry is undergoing a paradigm shift, and one of the most significant shifts involves transitioning from a “push” model to a “pull” model. This means that instead of merely pushing out existing solutions and services, businesses in the industry need to adopt a more customer-centric approach. They must empathize with the end user and focus on understanding their specific needs and preferences. This shift is vital for staying relevant and effective in a rapidly evolving market.

Another crucial paradigm shift revolves around reevaluating and strengthening business models. With increasing competition, fitness companies must stress-test their models to ensure they can withstand tougher market conditions. The shift here is from complacency to a proactive and competitive mindset, where businesses continuously innovate and adapt their models to maintain their position as leaders.

In essence, business model considerations encompass the ability to navigate the complex terrain of digital transformation while ensuring that the chosen approach aligns with the unique needs and expectations of the target audience.

The Importance of Digital Transformation

To thrive in the modern fitness landscape, businesses must adapt to the era of digital transformation. Eric emphasizes the need for fitness business models to incorporate digital elements to expand into emerging markets effectively. This shift involves not only offering digital fitness content but also leveraging technology for customer engagement, data collection, and personalization.

It’s evident that digital transformation is no longer an option, but it’s essential to have a clear digital strategy.

AI-powered marketing tools enable fitness businesses to understand their customers better than ever before. By analyzing user data, preferences, and behavior, AI can help tailor marketing campaigns to individual needs, increasing the likelihood of customer engagement. This personalization is crucial in a competitive market where customer acquisition costs are a significant concern.

Moreover, AI has the potential to enhance customer engagement itself. For example, personalized fitness plans and workout recommendations based on user data can keep members motivated and engaged in their fitness journey. Chatbots and virtual trainers powered by AI can provide instant assistance and guidance, creating a more immersive and responsive fitness experience.

Digital transformation extends beyond marketing and engagement. It involves leveraging data and technology to improve operational efficiency and deliver better services. This includes streamlining processes, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing the overall customer experience. By embracing digital transformation and AI, fitness operators can stay competitive, evolve their business models, and ultimately provide greater value to their customers.

Emerging Markets: China and India

One of the most exciting aspects of the fitness and health industry’s evolution is the emergence of new markets, particularly in countries like China and India. These populous nations are witnessing a surge in fitness and health consciousness, presenting a goldmine of opportunities for fitness businesses. As per industry reports, the fitness industry in China is projected to reach a staggering $22.8 billion by 2025. McKenzie research has shown the Chinese have an increase in spending, particularly in categories that are focused on health and lifestyle.

In traditional fitness, with a substantial portion of the population yet to be tapped, the scope for growth is immense. However, to seize these opportunities, fitness business models must adapt to the unique characteristics of these markets. This adaptation involves understanding cultural nuances, tailoring fitness offerings, and, of course, embracing digital transformation to reach a broader audience.

Digital and Virtual Fitness Increase Post-COVID

The fitness industry, like many others, underwent a significant transformation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns and social distancing measures prompted a surge in demand for digital fitness solutions, as people sought ways to stay active and healthy from the safety of their homes. This shift accelerated the adoption of online fitness classes, virtual personal training, and connected fitness equipment.

While the pandemic posed immense challenges, it also highlighted the resilience and adaptability of the fitness industry. Businesses that quickly pivoted to offer digital solutions not only survived but thrived during these challenging times. This resulted in a “Leaders Take Most” principle, where the leaders who were quick to adapt, innovate, and maintain their brand presence not only retained their existing members but also attracted new ones. This dynamic has allowed them to capture a larger share of the market, leaving smaller players struggling to keep up.

As the world emerges from the pandemic, the lessons learned from this period are invaluable. Fitness business models that continue to offer digital options are likely to maintain a competitive edge in the post-COVID-19 era.

The Importance of Purpose and Passion

Eric emphasizes the significance of purpose and passion in the fitness industry. He believes that businesses driven by a genuine desire to improve people’s lives are better poised for success. When fitness professionals and entrepreneurs are passionate about their work, they are more likely to innovate, adapt, and create solutions that resonate with customers.

In conclusion, the fitness and health industry is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by emerging markets and digital transformation. Fitness business models that can adapt to these changes, harness the power of information and technology, and offer value to customers are poised for growth and profit. The future of the fitness industry is not only about physical health but also about embracing the digital age, catering to emerging markets, and fostering a sense of purpose and passion for improving lives. As Eric Falardeau suggests, this industry has abundant opportunities for those willing to innovate and create more value from each customer relationship. It’s time for fitness businesses to unlock their growth potential in this dynamic landscape.

The Eric’s insights serve as a valuable resource for industry professionals seeking to navigate the fitness and health sector’s ever-changing landscape. The fitness industry needs to continue to evolve and bring more meaningful value to customers by embracing innovation and technology.

Find out how Wexer’s unparalleled data, technology and extensive library of wellness and fitness content can help you leverage your date to benefit of your business in 2023

More Info:


Paul Bowman, CEO of Wexer

Eric Falardeau, Partner at McKinsey & Company

McKinsey & Company

Podcast 25

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Holistic Wellness Drives Personalized Fitness Experiences Wed, 13 Sep 2023 16:48:48 +0000 In a recent podcast episode, Paul interviews Austin Cohen, the co-founder and CEO of Flexit, to gain a deeper understanding of how holistic wellness is creating a dynamic fitness landscape driving long-term growth of wellness focused personalized fitness experiences. Flexit is a company at the forefront of revolutionizing the way we approach fitness. We’ll share […]

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In a recent podcast episode, Paul interviews Austin Cohen, the co-founder and CEO of Flexit, to gain a deeper understanding of how holistic wellness is creating a dynamic fitness landscape driving long-term growth of wellness focused personalized fitness experiences.

Flexit is a company at the forefront of revolutionizing the way we approach fitness. We’ll share Cohen’s insights and wisdom as he sheds light on the evolving landscape of fitness and well-being.

In the fast-paced world we live in, fitness and wellness have undergone a remarkable transformation. No longer confined to traditional gym spaces and one-size-fits-all routines, the fitness landscape is now a dynamic arena driven by personalization and technology.

The Changing Landscape of Fitness

The fitness landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. Traditional brick-and-mortar gyms, which once held a dominant position in the industry, are witnessing a significant shift in their status as the primary fitness option. In their place, we’re witnessing the rise of more flexible and personalized fitness choices that cater to the evolving needs and preferences of consumers.

One of the key drivers of this transformation is the surging popularity of digital fitness platforms. These platforms offer a diverse range of workout routines, fitness classes, and wellness programs that are accessible from the comfort of one’s home or virtually anywhere with an internet connection. This accessibility has been especially crucial in recent times when the world has faced lockdowns and restrictions due to the global pandemic. As people sought ways to maintain their fitness routines while adhering to social distancing guidelines, digital fitness platforms emerged as a savior.

To remain competitive and relevant, fitness businesses must be in tune with the shifting preferences of consumers. This means embracing digital solutions, offering flexible options, and continuously innovating to provide engaging and effective fitness experiences. As the fitness industry continues to evolve, those who can successfully navigate these changes are poised to thrive in this dynamic and ever-changing landscape.

Holistic Wellness and The Future of Fitness

The concept of holistic health and wellness takes center stage as a fundamental principle guiding the evolving fitness landscape. It signifies a broader and more comprehensive approach to well-being that extends beyond mere physical fitness. Holistic health and wellness acknowledge the intricate interplay between various facets of an individual’s life, including physical, mental, and emotional aspects, to foster a state of complete and harmonious well-being.

Within this context, fitness is not solely about sculpting one’s body or achieving physical prowess; it’s about achieving balance and harmony in all aspects of life. The importance of holistic health and wellness is mirrored in the types of fitness offerings gaining popularity. Digital platforms like Flexit provide users with a range of options, from yoga and meditation to strength training and cardio workouts. These offerings cater to individuals looking to cultivate not only their physical prowess but also their mental and emotional well-being.

Furthermore, holistic wellness is not confined to physical exercise alone. It encompasses nutrition, stress management, sleep quality, and mental health. In an era where stress and mental health issues are prevalent, the holistic approach encourages individuals to address these concerns alongside their physical fitness goals. This holistic perspective aligns with the evolving preferences of fitness enthusiasts who seek to enrich their lives physically, mentally, and emotionally, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and balanced existence.

Challenges and Opportunities

With the rise of digital fitness platforms and on-demand workouts, brick-and-mortar gyms are facing increasing competition. They must adapt to these changing consumer preferences and find innovative ways to differentiate themselves from other digital fitness services. This challenge necessitates a reevaluation of their business models, potentially incorporating technology and personalized experiences to remain relevant.

However, this disruption also presents a wealth of opportunities for both established fitness businesses and newcomers. There is a growing demand for personalized fitness experiences. This opens the door for fitness entrepreneurs to create niche offerings that cater to specific demographics or interests within the fitness world.

The emphasis on holistic health and wellness presents opportunities for businesses to offer comprehensive wellness solutions that extend beyond physical exercise. Integrating nutrition, stress management, mental health support, and recovery services into fitness offerings can set businesses apart and address the growing desire for a more holistic approach to well-being.

The Future of Fitness

Digital fitness platforms and on-demand workouts have taken center stage, catering to the demands of consumers who seek convenience and tailored fitness experiences. This shift suggests that the future of fitness will be increasingly characterized by accessibility and individualization.

Platforms like Flexit, with their ability to connect users with fitness professionals from around the world, exemplify the transformative power of technology in breaking down geographical barriers and expanding the reach of fitness services.

The future of fitness promises to be a multifaceted and tech-driven domain, with a strong emphasis on personalization and holistic well-being. Those who can adapt to these trends, leverage technology effectively, and provide comprehensive wellness experiences are poised to lead the way in this ever-changing industry.

The Role of Flexit

Flexit emerges as a prominent player that exemplifies the changing dynamics of the fitness industry. This platform exemplifies the essence of adaptability and flexibility, which are key elements in the modern fitness experience. Whether you’re interested in yoga, strength training, cardio, or any other form of exercise, Flexit provides a diverse array of options, allowing users to choose workouts that align with their personal preferences and goals.

One of the standout features of Flexit is its flexibility in terms of scheduling and location. Users can select workouts that fit seamlessly into their daily routines, whether they prefer to exercise in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening. Additionally, the platform allows individuals to work out in the comfort of their own homes, a local park, or any other convenient location.

Flexit represents a fundamental shift in the way fitness is approached and consumed. It adapts to the modern consumer’s desire for personalized and flexible fitness experiences, breaking free from the constraints of traditional gym memberships. As the fitness landscape continues to evolve, Flexit serves as a prime example of how innovative digital platforms are reshaping the industry to meet the demands of today’s fitness enthusiasts.

The fitness industry is during a significant transformation. Flexibility, personalization, and technology are reshaping the way we approach fitness and well-being. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast seeking a more tailored experience, or a fitness operator looking to adapt and thrive in this changing landscape, the insights shared by Cohen offer valuable guidance.

As we look to the future, one thing is certain: the fitness world will continue to evolve, and those who embrace innovation and prioritize holistic wellness will lead the way to a healthier, happier tomorrow.

Find out how Wexer’s unparalleled data, technology and extensive library holistic wellness and fitness content can help you leverage your date to benefit of your business in 2023

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Podcast 23

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Leveraging Data to Scale Your Fitness Business Growth Wed, 09 Aug 2023 17:21:36 +0000 In a recent podcast episode, Paul sat down with Len Fridman, the CEO and Co-Founder of WellnessLiving, a prominent SAS platform tailored for fitness and wellness businesses. In this article, we delve into the valuable insights shared by Len on leveraging data to scale your fitness business. With a mission to offer an all-in-one solution […]

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In a recent podcast episode, Paul sat down with Len Fridman, the CEO and Co-Founder of WellnessLiving, a prominent SAS platform tailored for fitness and wellness businesses. In this article, we delve into the valuable insights shared by Len on leveraging data to scale your fitness business.

With a mission to offer an all-in-one solution for smooth business operations, WellnessLiving prioritizes customer experiences and utilizes data to drive growth.

The Heart of WellnessLiving: Empowering Businesses with Data-Driven Insights

WellnessLiving stands out as a software company with a heart, focusing on the success of fitness and wellness businesses. By transforming data into actionable insights, they empower business owners to elevate member experiences, leading to improved retention rates and reduced churn. Moreover, these insights can optimize marketing campaigns and guide strategic decisions, propelling businesses towards sustainable growth.

WellnessLiving’s dedication to serving its clients was highlighted when it received recognition in 2021 and 2022 as one of the Deloitte Technology Fast 500™, attesting to their rapid growth and commitment to customer success.

Len credits the company’s 272% revenue growth to their customer-focused approach and vision to provide the fitness and wellness industry with the tools, resources, and support they need to manage and grow their businesses—a truly all-in-one solution.

From Fitness Enthusiast to Business Innovator: Len’s Journey

Len’s journey to co-founding WellnessLiving is both inspiring and relatable. Once a competitive tennis player turned fitness enthusiast, Len embarked on a path to fitness entrepreneurship. He transitioned from a boot camp fitness business to creating WellnessLiving with a partner. This software platform began as a marketing tool for partner studios, which eventually evolved into the comprehensive solution it is today. 

Overcoming the Fear of Change: Embracing Business Management Software

For many fitness business owners, the prospect of implementing new software can be intimidating. However, as Len explains, embracing change is crucial for business evolution. Transitioning to business management software allows entrepreneurs to align with their goals, fostering collaboration with senior leadership and paving the way for growth. WellnessLiving’s approach emphasizes partnership and empathy, positioning them as a software company with a heart.

Transforming Data into Actionable Insights

Data holds the key to unlocking business potential, and WellnessLiving recognizes the significance of turning data into actionable insights. By tapping into data analytics, fitness businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their members’ behaviors and preferences. This information can then drive strategic decisions, enhance service offerings, and boost member satisfaction. WellnessLiving’s commitment to its customers extends beyond software, aiming to cultivate growth through informed choices.

Developing AI-Powered Solutions for Member Churn

“One of the biggest challenges for any fitness organization is member churn, a member not continuing the following month. If you have a leaky bucket, pouring water in it will never fill it up. So our challenge was how can we leverage data, AI, and machine learning to help businesses manage churn more efficiently.”

— Len Fridman —

Collaborating with York University’s machine learning lab, they developed the Isaac AI Assistant. This innovative tool predicts members with a high probability of churning, enabling proactive outreach and personalized communication. Utilizing AI and machine learning, WellnessLiving equips businesses with the means to build stronger member relationships, increase retention, and reduce churn effectively.

Predicting The Future of AI in the Fitness Industry

Len envisions a future where AI plays a pivotal role in the fitness industry. As AI technology advances, fitness businesses can anticipate more robust data insights and actionable recommendations. 

WellnessLiving’s commitment to user-friendly interfaces ensures that businesses can effortlessly access and utilize AI-generated insights. The ability to tailor dashboards and access real-time data and statistics empowers business owners to make informed decisions promptly.

It is vital to have an easy to use and customisable dashboard that allows you to quickly see trends in your business to make important business decisions. WellnessLiving is famous for is having that ability to customise the dashboard and having a variety of graphs and statistics that you can actually drill down.”

— Len Fridman —

Creating Personalization and Omnichannel Experiences

Personalization is the key to engaging members effectively. Len emphasizes the importance of understanding member preferences, purchase behaviors, and class attendance. With a strong focus on creating seamless experiences, WellnessLiving advocates for an omnichannel approach. This approach integrates all customer touchpoints, ensuring a consistent and unified experience across physical locations, apps, websites, and virtual classes. By offering flexibility and convenience, fitness businesses can enhance member engagement and loyalty.

“If you want to continue scaling your business, you really must have a firm grasp on your members, which products they’re buying, and what classes they’re taking so you can make educated business decisions. If you have thousands of members and you want to send out targeted email campaigns, you have to segment your market to tailor your solutions to what they actually want.”

— Len Fridman —

Intrigued by the insights shared by Len? WellnessLiving invites fitness business owners to explore their platform through a demo. With an impressive conversion rate, the likelihood of joining the WellnessLiving family is high. By embracing data-driven strategies and leveraging cutting-edge technology, you can position your fitness business for scalable growth and enduring success.

Contact us at Wexer and we can share a wealth of knowledge on how data can drive growth in the fitness industry. From overcoming the fear of change to harnessing the power of AI and creating seamless member experiences, these strategies can transform your fitness business and pave the way for sustained growth. As the industry evolves, embracing data-driven approaches will be instrumental to achieving success and staying ahead of the curve.

Find out how Wexer’s unparalleled data, technology and content library can help you leverage your date to benefit of your business in 2023:

More Info:

Len Fridman on LinkedIn

Wexer Podcast 22

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The Secret To Growing A Digital Brand To 500K Subscribers Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:14:32 +0000 In this podcast episode, Paul talks with Thiago Somera, the Infrastructure and Supply Chain Director of Smart Fit. Discover how Smart Fit unlocked the power of digital technology to build the powerful Smart Fit health club brand and growing a digital brand to over 500K Subscribers.  The Smart Fit digital solutions allow customers to be […]

The post The Secret To Growing A Digital Brand To 500K Subscribers   appeared first on Wexer.

In this podcast episode, Paul talks with Thiago Somera, the Infrastructure and Supply Chain Director of Smart Fit. Discover how Smart Fit unlocked the power of digital technology to build the powerful Smart Fit health club brand and growing a digital brand to over 500K Subscribers. 

The Smart Fit digital solutions allow customers to be well-guided by trainers to work out both inside or outside the gym, through the Smart Fit App and Smart Fit GO (an on-demand workout platform).

About Thiago Somera

Thiago’s has a long history of international trade marketing and supply chain experience.Smart Fit entered the Latin American market in 2009 with the high volume, low cost fitness model. He was able to grow Smart Fit’s infrastructure to support their growth with physical clubs and digital platforms.

How Smart Fit Expanded Beyond Boundaries

Smart Fit’s journey began in 1996 as a premium operation, and in just 14 years, they expanded to an astounding 1400 clubs. However, this rapid expansion didn’t come without challenges. The company faced the daunting task of breaking into local markets that were not initially ready for such growth. Nevertheless, Smart Fit took on the challenge head-on, propelling the fitness industry forward in these regions.

Building The Smart Fit Infrastructure And Culture

One of the biggest challenges Smart Fit encountered was upgrading their supply chain to match the pace of their expansion. This required teaching how to construct and adapt quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. Today, with an improved infrastructure, Smart Fit’s supply chain builds an impressive 200 clubs per year, a testament to their dedication to operational excellence.

Keys To Growing A Digital Brand

Smart Fit has a strong culture of innovation with the goals of constantly improving the customer experience and the productivity of clubs.

Let’s explore the digital concepts that allowed Smart Fit to build their brands into a successful synergy between their physical gyms and digital offerings. Their customer-driven and data-driven culture leverages digital offerings to engage customers and stay ahead in the fitness market. 

Embrace the Digital Wave

Even before the pandemic, Smart Fit had its eyes set on digital trends. They launched their digital offerings, inspired by the success of platforms like Peloton, Wexer, and The Daily Burn in the US. Interestingly, Smart Fit took a different approach by not directly connecting their digital product with their physical gyms. They recognized that the customers engaging with their digital platform had slightly different needs and preferences than those who visited the gym.

Synergy Between Digital and Physical Offerings

To maintain a clear distinction between their digital and physical offerings, Smart Fit kept a separate brand and entity for their digital platform. This strategic decision allowed them to tap into different customer segments and avoid unnecessary cost overlap. The crossover between the two platforms was minimal, demonstrating the unique preferences of their customers across these channels.

Customer Confidence and Lifetime Value

Smart Fit recognized the importance of building customer confidence and understanding how it impacts lifetime value. They observed that less confident customers tend to engage more with digital products, while more confident ones frequent physical gyms. This insight allowed them to track lifetime value without being directly connected to the club and its systems.

Simplicity and Convenience

Thiago emphasized the significance of providing a hassle-free experience for customers. This experience is not just during membership sign-up but also when they decide to leave. Easy entry and exit processes ensure that customers feel in control and appreciated, ultimately leading to better retention and brand loyalty.

A Culture of Healthy Competition

Smart Fit boasts a unique company culture that fosters both collaboration and competition. The fitness directors share valuable experiences, product ideas, and industry insights while maintaining a healthy competitive spirit. This balance enables Smart Fit to innovate and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.

Hyper-Personalization and Micro-Influencers

Smart Fit’s commitment to offering personalized fitness solutions is evident through their 150+ different programs, each tailored for specific personas or avatars. Additionally, they leverage micro-influencers on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok to promote their products. This symbiotic relationship benefits both the influencers and Smart Fit, creating a circle of benefits.

Staying Agile During a Global Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenging period for all businesses, and Smart Fit was no exception. However, their ability to pivot quickly and adapt allowed them to grow a digital brand and retain a strong customer base. Thiago acknowledged that the pandemic was a shaking moment, but the approach they took proved effective in weathering the storm.

Embracing the Future with Technology

Smart Fit’s focus on technology is not just about flashy features; it’s about enhancing the overall fitness experience for customers, regardless of where they engage. Thiago emphasized that technology should bring meaningful improvements.

Smart Fit and Wexer share a similar vision about the power of agility, innovation, and customer-centricity in the fitness industry. By staying ahead of digital trends, embracing change, and continuously improving their products and services, Smart Fit carved a unique path to success. As the fitness industry continues to evolve, Smart Fit serves as an inspiration for other fitness operators to adapt, innovate, and thrive.

Contact Wexer to see how we can help you deliver a better fitness experience by growing a digital brand to deliver what your members want anytime and anywhere.

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Wexer Digital Fitness Key To Staying Relevent

Smart Fit

Wexer Podcast 21

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Fitness Is Preventive Healthcare: Reshaping The Fitness Industry Tue, 29 Aug 2023 19:09:11 +0000 The fitness industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in an era marked by profound societal shifts and technological advancement. The traditional perception of fitness as a mere physical pursuit is fading away, giving rise to fitness becoming important for preventive healthcare. In this episode, Liz Clark, the President & CEO of IHRSA (International Health, Racquet […]

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The fitness industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in an era marked by profound societal shifts and technological advancement. The traditional perception of fitness as a mere physical pursuit is fading away, giving rise to fitness becoming important for preventive healthcare.

In this episode, Liz Clark, the President & CEO of IHRSA (International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association), shares how It’s time to include fitness as another important component of preventative healthcare and create legislation to support the inclusion of fitness.  

As the world grapples with the enduring effects of a global pandemic and as technology becomes increasingly intertwined with daily life, the dynamics are driving the fitness sector to become intertwined with preventive health and general well-being. Preventive healthcare should include a holistic and proactive approach to fitness, including the ability to improve the physical, mental, and social well-being of the population.

The mission of IHRSA, the Global Health & Fitness Association, is to grow, promote, and protect the health and fitness industry and to provide its members with the benefits that will help them be more successful. IHRSA and its members—health and fitness clubs, gyms, studios, sports and aquatic facilities, and industry partners—are dedicated to making the world healthier through regular exercise. In addition, IHRSA’s advocacy team is fighting to pass the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act, federal legislation that incentivizes physical activity and lowers consumer costs.

Navigating Industry Challenges During COVID-19

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic proved an unprecedented hurdle for the industry, creating an environment for fitness businesses to reimagine their role within the healthcare continuum. During the pandemic, the fitness industry struggled to gain recognition as an essential part of preventative healthcare. This lack of recognition impacted the industry’s ability to operate and receive support, resulting in significant operational challenges, with gym closures, canceled trade shows, and financial difficulties. 

Recovery required strategic changes to adapt to the new environment and create a focus on advocacy and policy. This highlighted a need to proactively engage with policymakers to ensure the industry’s survival.

Advocacy and Legislative Progress within the Fitness Industry

Advocacy plays a pivotal role in shaping the fitness industry’s trajectory. IHRSA’s concerted efforts include collaborating with state alliances and legislators to forge policies that bolster fitness centers and endorse preventive healthcare initiatives. Liz underscores the organization’s legislative success and accomplishments that underscore the far-reaching impact of cohesive industry action.

In addition, IHRSA’s advocacy team is fighting to pass the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act, federal legislation that incentivizes physical activity and lowers consumer costs. Specifically, the PHIT Act would allow healthcare dollars to be used for gym memberships. The federal exemption is needed for gym memberships, giving added importance to collaborating and aligning the fitness industry with the wellness and nutrition sectors.

Fitness as Preventative Healthcare

Positioning the fitness industry as a cornerstone of preventive healthcare is a central goal for Liz Clark and URSA. Liz underscores the necessity for policymakers to acknowledge that fitness centers contribute significantly to holistic well-being by providing health benefits from physical fitness. Fitness should be recognized as a major industry that contribute more benefits to overall health, wellness, and preventative healthcare.

Fitness can play a role in addressing health crises. The increasing prioritization of exercise for mental health benefits has resulted in many adaptations within the industry to support mental well-being through exercise. The industry’s impact on overall health and physical fitness can also contribute to addressing fitness-related challenges in the military.

The industry’s evolution beyond traditional fitness embraces wellness and healthy aging. It is constantly working toward offering services that cater to holistic health. The connection between exercise and nutrition as complementary aspects of preventive healthcare and the collaboration between fitness and other sectors to address comprehensive health needs is critical to this continued evolution.

“In the US, 77% of people that are of age to be able to apply for military service can’t meet the basic physical fitness test. We have a major scary crisis as far as an unfit, under-funded, and underrepresented military.”

~ Liz Clark, President & CEO of IHRSA ~

Technology and AI Role In The Fitness Industry

Technology and AI have played an increasingly significant role in the fitness industry. With the advancement of technology, many fitness professionals and companies have turned to virtual platforms to offer fitness and wellness sessions, classes, and consultations. With an internet connection, people can access fitness and wellness guidance from home or anywhere.

Some fitness apps and platforms use AI algorithms to create personalized fitness plans and workouts for users. These algorithms consider personalized fitness goals, physical conditions, and sometimes available equipment. AI continuously learns from the user’s feedback and progress to adapt the workout plans over time. Wearable devices equipped with sensors and AI capabilities can track various fitness metrics, including heart rate, steps taken, calories burned, and even sleep patterns. Users can monitor their progress and make informed decisions to improve their lifestyle.

In diet and nutrition, AI fitness apps can analyze users’ dietary preferences, restrictions, and goals to recommend personalized meal plans. They can also track calorie intake and nutritional content, providing real-time feedback and suggestions.

AI can process and analyze large amounts of data generated by users and fitness equipment. This analysis can offer valuable insights into trends, helping fitness professionals design more effective programs and personalized fitness plans. AI fitness technology can also help analyze movement patterns to prevent injuries during workouts. By comparing the user’s movements against established biomechanical principles, it can provide insights or alerts to avoid strain or incorrect postures and aid in preventative healthcare.

The Transformation of Fitness As Preventative Healthcare

The fitness industry has undergone a profound transformation in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic. The shift from focusing on physical appearance to holistic well-being and fitness as a way to prevent healthcare conditions marks a significant and positive change. This evolution highlights the industry’s adaptability and commitment to meeting the diverse needs of its clientele.

The emphasis on mental health and well-being and the integration of technology, AI fitness, and virtual platforms has expanded access to more personalized fitness resources. The industry’s recognition of gender diversity and the promotion of female leadership further reflect its progressive outlook and dedication to inclusivity.

“We saw some interesting data come out last year that for the first time, people are working out first and foremost to take care of their mental health, second to improving something with their physique.”

~ Liz Clark, President & CEO of IHRSA

Ultimately, those working in the fitness industry have a passion for enhancing lives. It is a testimony to the resilience, responsiveness, and unwavering commitment of the fitness industry. As individuals increasingly prioritize their well-being and legislation supports the fitness industry as part of the solution, the synergy between fitness, wellness, and healthcare will soon shape the future of global healthcare.

Find out how Wexer’s unparalleled fitness and wellness content library can help you align fitness as preventive healthcare by contacting us at

Additional Resources:


Liz Clark

Podcast 22

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The Business of Fitness: Empowering Fitness Entrepreneurs Tue, 18 Jul 2023 21:05:51 +0000 In this episode, Paul sits down with Integrity Square’s founder and managing partner Pete Moore. Pete shares unique insights for empowering fitness entrepreneurs with information on fitness business finance , consolidation, hybridization, and the relevance of the attention economy. Integrity Square’s mission is to advise, connect, and empower fast-growing companies, exceptional entrepreneurs, seasoned executives, and […]

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In this episode, Paul sits down with Integrity Square’s founder and managing partner Pete Moore. Pete shares unique insights for empowering fitness entrepreneurs with information on fitness business finance , consolidation, hybridization, and the relevance of the attention economy.

Integrity Square’s mission is to advise, connect, and empower fast-growing companies, exceptional entrepreneurs, seasoned executives, and capital providers in the $4.2T Health, Active Lifestyle, and Outdoors (HALO) sector.

His education in finance from Harvard Business School and his passion for fitness and sport, are what ultimately led Pete to a business deal with Gold’s Gym brand in 1999. In 2010, he morphed the two finance and fitness competencies into Integrity Square. Pete is also the host of a leading business-to-business podcast, HALO Talks for fitness professionals.

Tune in to hear Pete share unique insights about the financial side of the fitness business, consolidation, and hybridization, and the relevance of the attention economy. This information is pertinent to your fitness business and will inspire you to upgrade your business playbook.

Pete Moore discusses the challenges facing the health club industry and the opportunities that lie in acquisitions. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s business model and aligning it with all facets of the operation.

Empowering Fitness Entrepreneurs

A passionate advocate for education in the fitness industry, Pete Moore shares insights into the Halo Academy. This unique program empowers fitness executives with the necessary knowledge to market their businesses effectively. We educate them on the financial side of this business and if we can educate more executives, we can get more capital. They can talk to people who have done it before. It’s a huge learning curve because you have to understand the language if you don’t come from the traditional roots of club management.

The first thing I say to entrepreneurs is — How do you run your playbook? —- We wrote a book called Time to Win Again, which basically said if you’re a football team or a soccer team you have to have a strategy. You have a playbook. What’s your offensive strategy? And that strategy needs to be aligned in all facets.”

— Pete Moore —

The Role of Private Equity In The Fitness Industry

Discussing the role of private equity in the fitness space, Pete sheds light on the sources of funding backing growth scenarios. Most of the private equity that is backing companies in any growth scenario is coming from universities, endowment funds, pension funds, hedge funds, and retirement funds. 

Private equity money is important because it allows investors to get better returns that the stock market. One example Pete share is how Crunch’s private equity money came from the State of California’s pension plan, enabling them to obtain a better return than other investment alternative available.

Fitness Business Consolidation and Its Challenges

Pete Moore highlights levels of consolidation in the fitness industry. One approach is to go into a market by buying an established business, build thier prototype model around it, and then renovate whatever the clubs they bought. 

Then there are private equity firms that are backing consolidation plays, but they’re being very prudent about what they’re paying. It all comes down to unit economics for private equity guys. How much does it cost to build, how quickly does it ramp up, how soon can we sell it, what is the return, and then move on to the next one. So you have to focus on unit economics.

There is a lot of impact from pricing and tight debt markets on consolidation decisions.The debt markets are very tight right now because of Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic. Also, interest rates are getting higher to the point where if you’re an entrepreneur and you want to do a deal, you’ve got to be very careful about what rates you’re locking in for growth. Some of these debt facilities are 10 -15%, but 15% is a lot of money. Realize at the end of the day that there’s a big debt security and there’s no equity left for you guys. 

Hybridization and Leveraging Technology

The discussion delves into the significance of hybridization in fitness, where technology and human interactions work together to enhance member experiences. We emphasize the importance of using technology to understand and motivate members. Leverage technology to improve member experiences and building lasting relationships beyond the club walls.

You have to view hybridization and technology as weapons, and your javelin is your relationship with your members. This relationship needs to go outside of the four walls here and you need to be in a position to provide outcomes. You must understand what they are viewing, give them what they want, and then you can enhance their fitness experience. 

“Our research keeps pointing back to the fact that everyone wants outcomes. The fitness industry keeps talking in membership terms, but members want outcomes. And there is the disconnect. If you can relate the product to the outcome they want to achieve, you can hook them.”

— Paul Bowman —

To provide the best combined experience, our industry will really need to do great things. We can establish personal and physical relationships with people, and we can micro-target with the hybridization. 

“The point is we have to dial it back to how do we foster relationships, how do we help people, how do you get results. Hybridization is a no brainer because everyone’s got their cell phone. That’s basically all they stare at all day. So, if you’re not relevant on that phone, you’re not relevant anywhere.”

— Pete Moore —

Each fitness evangelist or group exercise instructor can be responsible for 50 to 250 of your members. Give them some showtime and realize that they could affect a larger majority of your members.

One example is we realized that 1,000 members were affiliated with three trainers, and those three trainers were only doing one session a week. So we weren’t serving a majority of the members because they couldn’t get access to that person. 

The digital and technology platforms within a club can allow more access to group exercise instructors and personal trainers and can help to scale their business. So getting people online allows you to provide more alignment. 

The Future Of The Fitness Business

Moore’s predictions for the future of fitness offer intriguing insights. From regional changes to club locations and subleasing areas, the industry’s transformation is expected to be driven by member preferences.

There’s going to be further segmentation and there’s going to be winners in each category. There are going to be 100 to 200 regional changes in U.S. fitness club locations, and they’re going to listen to their members to find out what they want. Everyone’s got to be working together to provide what members want. They may sublease areas or have profit centers inside to increase member  

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fitness industry has led to a surge in bricks-and-mortar fitness and the potential of digital platforms to get closer to members.

Building Value and Selling a Business

Pete shares the importance of building value in a fitness business and avoiding stagnation. Many people get into the fitness industry because they are passionate about fitness, but they have no clue about how to build value to sell a business. So he shares valuable guidance for entrepreneurs on how to plan for a successful exit strategy.

Paul Bowman and Pete Moore share a treasure trove of knowledge for fitness enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Pete’s journey from investment banking to the fitness industry, along with his founding of Integrity Square and the Halo Academy, offers invaluable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. His insights into consolidation, hybridization, and the future of fitness provide a roadmap for industry players to navigate the evolving landscape successfully. As the industry continues to adapt and innovate, these valuable insights will prove essential in shaping the future of the fitness world.

Wexer Virtual Fitness

Integrity Square

HALO Talks Podcast

Podcast 20

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5 Technology Trends To Optimize Digital Transformation Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:39:48 +0000 Wexer CEO Paul Bowman interviews Allison Mataya about the trends that will help to optimize digital transformation in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. Technology continues to advance rapidly, so get ready to leverage digital innovation. “We’ve seen that businesses that double down on technology innovation have become hugely successful.” — Allison Mataya — Allison […]

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Wexer CEO Paul Bowman interviews Allison Mataya about the trends that will help to optimize digital transformation in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. Technology continues to advance rapidly, so get ready to leverage digital innovation.

“We’ve seen that businesses that double down on technology innovation have become hugely successful.”

— Allison Mataya —

Allison Mataya is the Managing Director of DMI (Digital Management, LLC). DMI is a digital consultancy that creates solutions to business problems and provides technology applications. They combine their technical expertise and business strategy with a collaborative mentality to challenge the way people think about digital transformation. Their mission is to put people first and create intelligent digital experiences that change people’s lives.

Mataya share the major trends in the convergence of technology and digital innovation to provide the perfect way to optimize digital transformation in the fitness and wellness industries.

5 Technology Trends That Will Optimize Digital Transformation

1. Convergence of Mature and New Technology

Convergence is arguably the big trend in technology right now – the mixing of mature and new technologies to drive advancements in a way that isn’t wasteful. Technological convergence is a term that describes bringing previously unrelated technologies together, often in a single device like the smartphone.

For businesses, technological convergence means companies are more easily able to connect to their customers and to learn more about customer’s buying habits. Technological convergence helps consumers use devices in the way that best meets their needs, while creating Innovation and reduced costs.

2. Leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in many ways by organizations to innovate, improve, and scale up. AI is making a positive impact on fitness member-based businesses by helping them accelerate their digital transformation. AI constantly learns from the data it analyses, anticipating customer behavior from it. By doing so, fitness brands can create valuable content, boost revenue, and enhance customer experiences.

With all the data being collected about fitness members with Customer Relation Management (CRM) systems and smart fitness devices and fitness apps, businesses can quickly take action based on the data collected with today’s digital technologies.

3. Personalised Wellness And Fitness Content

The future of wellness and fitness content will be important. According to McKinsey Research, only 40% of personalised messages are effective.  You need to improve the content you are producing to create engaging and personal customer experiences or you risk alienating customers.

Also realize AI can only take your content so far. Julia McCoy, VP of Content Marketing at Scale Brands, referenced that AI is only a tool to help brands scale production, as it will generate tons of low-quality content if you aren’t enhancing the content. Companies will need to go the extra step to create original, human-researched content from AI to stand out.

4. Apply “Lean UX” to Improve The Customer User Experience (UX)

Lean UX is a model development process to efficiently improve the customer user experience. UX refers to the entire interaction you have with a product, including how you feel about the interaction. Lean UX should be at the heart of all new technology innovation and development. You should focus Lean UX principles on gaining valuable feedback from users about the technology they want and need. Your success depends on how well you apply these principles to bring about the desired customer experience.

5. Leverage The Virtual Metaverse

After the pandemic, remote workplaces created a desire for technology to help transform virtual work and communication. To optimize the digital transformation, you need the right tools for people to train, collaborate, and work in the new virtual world. The fundamentals of the metaverse that help you gain the most traction include well developed communication skills, a strong support system, and an established process for everyone to follow.

“There is innovation to be had in every company.”

— Allison Mataya —

Digital Transformation Prediction For The Fitness Industry

Health, wellness, and fitness companies are in a perfect spot to leverage AI and data to accelerate digital transformation. Accessing all the data from connected users will help to speed up technology innovation and improve consumer health and wellness experiences.

Listen to episode 17 of The Wexer Podcast where Allison shares how to drive personalised customer user experiences (UX) with brands by leveraging data, technology, and content.

The Wexer Podcast sees Wexer CEO Paul Bowman speak to digital pioneers and experts from around the world, offering listeners insights and advice to support their own digital journeys. Follow the podcast, browse all episodes  here.

Additional Resources:

Allison Mataya

DMI Digital Consultancy

Paul Bowman

Wexer Optimizing Digital Transformations Podcast 17

The post 5 Technology Trends To Optimize Digital Transformation appeared first on Wexer.

Leverage Generational Wellness: Digital Fitness Strategy Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:08:31 +0000 As a fitness business owner, you have a golden opportunity to tap into a growing market by and leverage generational wellness to grow your fitness business. It is important to understand the generational shifts, consumer preferences, and how to leverage digital fitness and wellness trends by growing your digital content offering. In today’s fast-paced world, […]

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As a fitness business owner, you have a golden opportunity to tap into a growing market by and leverage generational wellness to grow your fitness business. It is important to understand the generational shifts, consumer preferences, and how to leverage digital fitness and wellness trends by growing your digital content offering.

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of wellness has become a top priority for individuals of all ages. Whether it’s physical health, mental well-being, or overall quality of life, people are actively seeking ways to enhance their wellness journey. 

In this comprehensive wellness trend presentation, we will explore how you can create a digital fitness content strategy to stay relevant and thrive in the evolving wellness landscape. We can show you how to leveraging generational wellness with this comprehensive digital fitness content strategy.

Defining the Generations

To effectively target your audience, it’s essential to understand the generational differences that shape their wellness preferences. Here’s a snapshot of the four major generations and their characteristics.

  • Baby Boomers (Born: 1946-1964)
    • Optimistic
    • Competitive
    • Team-oriented
  • Generation X (Born: 1965-1980)
    • Flexible
    • Informal
    • Independent
  • Millennials (Born: 1981-2000)
    • Open-minded
    • Competitive
    • Goal-Oriented
  • Generation Z (Born: 2001-2020)
    • Global
    • Progressive
    • Entrepreneurial

Understanding these generational traits will help you tailor your fitness content and marketing strategies to resonate with each group’s unique preferences.

Fitness Participation by Generational Segment

Before diving into crafting your digital fitness content strategy, it’s vital to know the fitness participation rates for each generation. This data will guide your efforts in targeting the right audience effectively.

  • Gen Z: 55.8%
  • Gen X: 64.2%
  • Millennials: 70%
  • Baby Boomers: 64.4%

These numbers indicate that there is a substantial market for fitness and wellness across all generations. Your digital content strategy can help you tap into these markets by offering content that speaks directly to their needs and preferences.

The Pursuit of Wellness

Wellness, as a concept, encompasses the holistic pursuit of overall health and well-being. It includes active engagement in practices that promote physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being, ultimately leading to a better quality of life. As a fitness business, you play a crucial role in facilitating this journey by providing the right resources and guidance.

Wellness Content Preferences by Generations

Each generation has its unique interests when it comes to consuming wellness content. Understanding these preferences can help you curate content that resonates with your target audience:

  • Yoga and Meditation Classes
  • Mindfulness and Breathing Sessions
  • Virtual Group Classes
  • Sleep Trackers
  • Nutrition Consultation and Recipes
  • Biometric Data Monitors

By offering a diverse range of content that caters to these preferences, you can keep your audience engaged and motivated in their wellness journey.

The Market Opportunity for Health and Wellness

The health and wellness market is experiencing significant growth, with research indicating an annual increase of 5-10%. This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of digital technology, smart devices, apps, and health trackers across all generations. The technology use gap between generations is narrowing, making it crucial for fitness businesses to embrace digital trends to remain competitive.

Key Considerations for a Digital Fitness Content Strategy

As a fitness business owner looking to leverage the generational wellness trend, here are key considerations to guide your digital fitness content strategy.

  • Understand Digital Fitness: Amp Up Your Digital Offering
    • Invest in high-quality digital fitness content, including on-demand workouts, live streaming classes, and virtual personal training sessions.
    • Ensure a seamless and user-friendly digital experience for your members through a dedicated app or website.
  • Choose a Content Partner: Pursue Data Partnerships
    • Collaborate with data partners to gather insights into your members’ preferences and progress. This data can inform your content creation and marketing strategies.
  • Develop a Digital Strategy: Update Your Value Proposition
    • Revisit and update your business’s value proposition to align with the digital wellness landscape. Emphasize the convenience and accessibility of your digital offerings.
  • Establish Your Digital Goals: Make Your Digital Experience Exciting
    • Set clear goals for your digital fitness content strategy, such as increasing member engagement, retention, and revenue.
    • Keep your digital offerings exciting by regularly introducing new content, challenges, and virtual events.
  • Create a Digital Content Plan: Consider the “Whole Person”
    • Recognize that wellness is a multifaceted journey that includes physical fitness, mental well-being, nutrition, and social connection.
    • Develop content that caters to the “whole person” by offering a holistic wellness experience.

The generational shift towards wellness and the growing digital trends present a significant opportunity for fitness businesses. By understanding your target generations, adapting to digital advancements, and crafting a compelling digital fitness content strategy, you can position your fitness business for success in the evolving wellness market. Embrace the digital era, and empower your members to achieve their wellness goals with your innovative and personalized fitness content.

Keep your business relevantwith a digital content strategy! To find out how we can help you with your digital strategy, email me at:

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The post Leverage Generational Wellness: Digital Fitness Strategy appeared first on Wexer.
